American Historical Romance gets snubbed!

One of the challenges I have as both an author and a reader of American Historical Romances is finding my next book to read. None of the major booksellers seem to recognize the sub-genre. Amazon is probably the worst offender. If you search under Books>Romance, you get a measly selection of eight subgenres, none of which have much to do with the continents of North and South America.

OK, so I suppose you could find stories set in the U.S. under 20th century, and the land masses were here during ancient times so there might be a book or two under Ancient World. Still, you’re going to have to comb through quite a bit to find what you’re looking for.

It’s not just North and South America that get ignored either. The continents of Australia, Asia, Africa are equally dismissed - unless you count those stories that might show up under Ancient World. Again, a lot to sort through.

Barnes and Noble gets a bit better. Under Historical Romances, they at least list categories like  Southern U.S., Western and Frontier, and Native Americans. That’s an improvement, but my time period preference is Colonial and Revolutionary. I’d even be OK broadening that into the 17th and 18th century. I mean if there are enough books that can be classified as Restoration and Enlightenment romances, there ought to be enough if they combined American Historical Romances spanning two whole centuries.

While not a bookstore, Goodreads is somewhat more helpful. Someone created a list for Colonial, Revolutionary, Early American Romance, but it suffers the same fate as most lists – it requires effort to keep it updated. (As an author, I’m always somewhat conflicted about whether I should add my books to a list, but I did anyway.)

Would love to hear from you! Have you found a bookseller that recognizes the subgenre? If not, how do you find American Historical Romances to read, and who are your favorite authors?

Happy reading!


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