What's Next?

With a new release on the market, I'm trying to decide which project to tackle next. I have three options calling to me:

Option A: Finish a new contemporary romance
I started drafting while I waited for edit rounds on Smitten. It's going well, but I'm only about a quarter of the way through the first draft, so it's not like it just needs a bit of polishing.

Option B: Revisit Rebel's Kiss, a historical romance I was querying when I got bitten by the contemporary bug. 

I really like this story, but I wasn't getting much traction. American historicals aren't a genre many publishers are looking for. Now that I set it aside for a year or more, looking at it with fresh eyes may help. Plus, I learned a ton from my developmental editor for Smitten. And, there's always the self-pub route.

BTW, the cover shown here is only a concept cover. Even if I self-pub, that will change.

Option C: Revisit my historicals. Almost since the day they were published, I've wanted to go back and clean up the first set of romance novels I wrote. I have learned so much since then! Of course, I'd need to get the rights back from my publisher, and then I'd have to self-publish them, but I know other authors who have done this successfully.

I'm leaning toward option B. I like the story and it's low-hanging fruit. But, who knows which way the wind will blow tomorrow. 

Happy reading!


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